TorCheck rewritten and relaunched!

by ioerror | May 1, 2008

Nick encouraged me to rewrite TorCheck in Python. Roger encouraged me to automatically translate TorCheck messages into a given locale when specifically requested. This is finished, reasonably stable and live right now.

As usual, TorCheck queries the TorDNSEL to determine if the visitor is possibly using a proper Tor exit node.

As an added bonus, TorCheck is now localized with useful information in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, English, German, Farsi, Japanese, Polish and Spanish.

Users of the TorBrowser will now automatically have a fully translated browsing experience. Any other user can simply select the proper ISO 3166 Code for their country and make a GET request with a properly set LANG query string as linked above. There's a good chance that your locale will be supported in the future if it isn't already.

If you'd like to pitch in and translate TorCheck into your locale, we'd love the help! Feel free to check the translations directory for current translations and see if your locale has been translated. If you'd like to add a locale we haven't translated, download a copy of the PO template file and translate away!

Give the new TorCheck a try today!


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

May 01, 2008


Thanks for giving us your time and gifting us with this great post and lets not forget torcheck!