TorBirdy 0.1.4: Fifth Beta and Bug Fix Release

We are happy to announce the release of TorBirdy 0.1.4, our fifth beta release. This is a bug-fix release, which fixes an issue with TorBirdy 0.1.3 that prevents Thunderbird from starting if three or more than three IMAP accounts are configured. This was reported by users in several tickets (#14099, #13982, #13722, #14007, #14130) and affects all platforms.
Changes in TorBirdy 0.1.4
0.1.4, 09 March 2015
* Fix bug that prevented Thunderbird with TorBirdy 0.1.3 from starting
in profiles with more than three IMAP accounts (closes #14099, #13982,
#13722, #14007, #14130)
Technical Explanation
This bug was due to a variable in a for lop that was declared twice and was affecting the enumeration of an outer loop (lines 521 and 531 in components/torbirdy.js) used to iterate over IMAP accounts. Please see commit 625f80e in the TorBirdy repository for the fix.
Users who are not affected by this issue (less than three IMAP accounts configured) may also upgrade but note that this release does not introduce any new features.
We offer two ways of installing TorBirdy -- either by visiting our website (GPG signature) or by visiting the Mozilla Add-ons page for TorBirdy. (TorBirdy 0.1.4 has been fully reviewed by Mozilla.)
Using TorBirdy for the First Time?
As a general anonymity and security note: we are still working on two known anonymity issues with Mozilla. Please make sure that you read the Before Using TorBirdy and Known TorBirdy Issues sections on the wiki before using TorBirdy.
We had love help with getting our patches accepted, or anything that you think will help improve TorBirdy!
Feel free to follow along with the release on the tor-talk mailing list.
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
connection failure
connection failure
Error report: Torbirdy 1.13
Error report:
Torbirdy 1.13 works but, using the newest 1.14;
Icedove - Trisquel GNU/LINUX
Send Message Error
Sending of message failed.
The message could not be sent because connecting to SMTP server failed. The server may be unavailable or is refusing SMTP connections. Please verify that your SMTP server settings are correct and try again, or contact the server administrator.
You need Tor running,
You need Tor running, whether standalone Tor or the Tor Browser Bundle. Start the Tor Browser Bundle and then start Thunderbird with TorBirdy. If the issue still persists, let us know here or you can open a ticket on Trac (; choose the "TorBirdy" component.)
erro de conexao
erro de conexao
What is the exact error?
What is the exact error? Note that you need Tor running. See:
how to download?
how to download?
You can download and install
You can download and install it from the Mozilla Add-ons website.
I`m using the add-on
I`m using the add-on 'ProfileSwitcher' to change between different profiles in Thunderbird.
Would I harm my anonymity when using TorBirdy and ProfileSwitcher in the same profile?
It's difficult to say
It's difficult to say without actually auditing this. If the purpose of this extension is to just switch profiles, make sure that you have TorBirdy installed for all profiles you create. But then again, avoid using add-ons which we have not tested.
I can't use this to login my
I can't use this to login my gmail account. Gmail refused tor connection.
And I am in China and Gmail had been banned here.
Who would help me with it?
Would you consider having an
Would you consider having an option to receive and send HTML messages with TorBirdy on your next update?
It is true that HTML is not recommended for use, but on many occasion it is needed when a great level of anonymity is not needed, even if just to enter a hyperlink.
Would love to see it happen.
Twitter fails to connect,
Twitter fails to connect, without any reported error.
A third-party window asking for login loops after me manually inserting an alias and nickname on icedove chat's new account settings.
By clicking on "signup" in the twitter popup, quickly appears (for miliseconds) a number "14312312..." in the name formulary and then disappears to a blank signup.
Is it a cookie issue? The software has no use for me even with TorBirdy enabled status on the bottom of the page.
Tor browser has no problems connecting to the twitter account.