New Release: Tor Browser 10.5.8

by sysrqb | October 6, 2021

Tor Browser 10.5.8 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.

This version updates Firefox on Windows, macOS, and Linux to 78.15.0esr. This version includes important security updates to Firefox.

Tor Browser will stop supporting version 2 onion services very soon. Please see the previously published deprecation timeline. Migrate your services and update your bookmarks to version 3 onion services as soon as possible.

The full changelog since Tor Browser 10.5.8:

  • Windows + OS X + Linux
    • Update Firefox to 78.15.0esr
    • Bug 40049: Add banner for VPN survey to about:tor
  • Android
    • Bug 40193: Add banner for VPN survey to Android homepage
  • Build System
    • All Platforms


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

October 06, 2021


I've submitted my information and thoughts. It looks like Tor now wants to start it's own VPN company, despite countless existing companies already incorporating Tor within their network. I remember when ProtonVPN gave you seven days of premium for free and you could use whatever Tor server you want. Stick to badly making the browser, don't branch out just because you can charge for a subscription.

> countless existing companies already incorporating Tor within their network

A fragmented ecosystem increases entropy and fingerprinting. Less dissuasion to reconfigure or install add-ons increases them further. It raises harmful habits and a false sense of privacy. Using Tor, like using most types of technology, is not just about the technology but your manner of using it.

October 06, 2021


Hello! I updated the tor browser for android from version 10.5.5 to 10.5.8 And found that the "security settings" function does not switch modes from normal to safe modes.
Why? What is the reason?

October 07, 2021


What effect does this have on Tor?

It's rather foolish for you to allow the comment to be published whilst issuing zero response, similar to how you let everyone know we're vulnerable to future decryption via quantum computers and followed it up with nothing to reassure users. Why do you enjoy having everyone constantly on edge with unknowing? It's sick really.

October 07, 2021


Dear developer! Tor browser for android versions 10.5.7 and 10.5.8, torbutton does not work! It is impossible to visit the sites. Please fix the error in the browser. Thanks for understanding.

October 07, 2021


A few bits of feedback on the VPN survey:

* Annoying that javascript is required to get it to run smoothly - that seems pretty basic given your user base!

* When I got to the last page of questions, couldn't see an option to go back and change previous answers.

* Attempted to work around this by saving/resuming survey, to see if that would allow me to revisit earlier questions, but resume didn't work - it said no survey with that name/password was found. I had only saved it a minute earlier so pretty confident I got the name/password right.

>> Other than that, it was smooth and easy, and the questions seemed clear and easy to understand.

October 10, 2021


having a lot of issues with websites loading incompletely, timeouts when loading websites and so on, since this update. windows 10

October 10, 2021


Why did Android just get updated again? 10.5.9 - 91.2.0
It's no different from the one you released a few days ago?

October 10, 2021


Why is it still not possible to spoof the operating system (see oscpu, platform)? Is it a matter of writing code, or is it an impossibility ("These tests, tailored for Firefox, are to show that you cannot hide your browser, version or OS. Some OS "guesses" don't have to be "correct"; the measurements provide the real entropy, such as math hashes, branding dimensions, and pixel values." - TZP)?

October 10, 2021


Why doesnt android need updating to 78.15.0esr

Is todays release real? Its not listed on here

October 10, 2021


Dear Torians,
I was wondering on the possibility of having a version of Tor using the latest improvements of FF. For example in FF 93 they added several features that further cut on tracking. So, my thought is if these features are what they claim, then if follows that the older version of FF used for Tor has the same "loopholes" and therefore we are still being tracked using the current Tor.
What do you think?
Oscar A.

October 11, 2021


VPN's can't do "New Identity" or the extra sandboxing that a browser can do. Privacy enthusiasts sometimes recommend to use a service's website instead of its app.

There isn't a way that you can trust a simple sha256 hash without any other context. This is why every version is published with a sha256sums-signed-build.txt file (containing sha256 hashes of every file) and a PGP signature of that file:……

October 24, 2021


On one hand you say you're going to be dropping Onion 2.0 soon, but on the other hand the default onion DDG search engine is hardstuck on Onion 2.0, and requires fiddling with to get it to DDG Onion 3.0.
While it's fine enough for my main machine, having to go through the hoops when installing it on every machine I run Tor on gets tiring, and I can't imagine newer users are too happy. Could you just get on that quickly please, I'm not inclining to update soon without it, thanks for the work otherwise.

October 27, 2021


Tor has been compromised and the development team don't want people to know. Even countries not involved with 14 eyes have found a way to track data. It's been done by:
Germany, Australia, Denmark, Moldova, Ukraine, the United Kingdom (the National Crime Agency), and the USA (DEA, FBI, and IRS) with the support of the Europol.


November 03, 2021


Dear L&G,
the T Shirts among other articles, granted to donators in favor of Tor do not make muich sense because, why should I walk arount and show that I make use of secret web research, particularly during this time.

November 03, 2021


hello i am from bangladesh some people hacked my tor by using parent lock system they dont let me brows by tor plese relese a verson of with out parent lock .they even change my parent lock attribute and not leet me control of parent some bangladeshi police and army members are involved they have israily spy machine to keep tabs on me

November 07, 2021

