New Release: Tor Browser 10.0.10

Tor Browser 10.0.10 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.
This version increases the availability of version 3 (v3) onion services. The fix is included in the recently released stable tor versions, as well.
The full changelog since Desktop and Android Tor Browser 10.0.9 is:
- All Platforms
- Update NoScript to 11.2
- Update HTTPS Everywhere to 2021.1.27
- Bug 40224: Backport Tor patch for v3 onion services
- Android
- Pick up fix for Mozilla's bug 1688783
- Pick up fix for Mozilla's bug 1688017
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
Good job.
Good job.
Tor is pretty good. I…
Tor is pretty good. I noticed that it based itself off the other web browser called Mozzila Firefox. I do agree however that Tor has better security.
Thank you! Availability of…
Thank you! Availability of v3 onion services is vital for operators to transition from v2 and for #MoreOnionsPorfavor.
Make it so when I allow …
Make it so when I allow [media] in NoScript's blue permission pop-up, it allows media at the same time for both the third-party embedded video host and the first-party site that's embedding it. Right now, the [media] pop-up only allows the third-party site, and that doesn't work.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Browser doesn't show regular…
Browser isn't working properly and doesn't show regular sites' certificates in Arch Linux. It's a bug related to glibc.
regular TBB doesn't work…
regular TBB doesn't work properly with glibc 2.33. i had to switch to alpha to be able to watch videos. images were partially missing and e.g. github was displayed like Page Style > No Style. maybe you warn your users of an update to 2.33.
platform archlinux
When will Your browser…
When will Your browser support Wayland? (More secure than X) Wayland wiki