Hackfest Thanks

by phobos | February 21, 2011

Thank you to all who showed up for the hackfest at MIT on Saturday the 19th. Roughly 50 people attended the event at some point throughout the day. People traveled from the local area, Maine, New York, Connecticut, and one person rearranged their flights from California to hack with us. The free pizza, drinks, and donuts were provided to all thanks to some generous attendees.

And a final thank you to the Center for Future Civic Media who once again offered the facilities and support for our hackfest.

Now that you've met us, are interested in helping the world, and want to learn more, here are some ideas on getting involved: http://decvnxytmk.oedi.net/getinvolved/volunteer



Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

February 21, 2011


thanks for your antifilter
iranian needsyour program and we hope ...........

February 26, 2011


Please help. Unable to run Tor in Firefox 3.6.13. Vidalia button add on lights up green yet refuses to connect. OS 10.4.11. Instructions don't mention setting up proxy server HTTP, HTTPS, Socks, Gopher as is the case for Safari (which doesn't connect either). Vidalia runs found but unable to connect with Firefox browser.

Thank you for your time and if possible please relay to Tor staff.

March 05, 2011


When I opened blogger to read some else blog, my country location could be discovered. I note this by read that my national language country was the main core of the reading in that blog. I used blog for my privacy and freedom of speech in which I saw now under threat in my country.